Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wow. I totally suck at maintaining my blog. I just am feeling so frustrated this morning that I realize I need a place to write things out. There is just so much going on in my head that I am going to break. Aurora has the chicken pox right now. She threw up a lot last night and is still shaking. I don't know what is going on with her. I am feeling so tired, so down and out. Cooper is in grade one and loving it. As for our family we have been trying out a new church. We are attending Maple Ridge Alliance. I am liking it. From the moment we walked in we were made to feel like we had been there for years and like we are old friends. To be honest, when we left my other church it didn't feel like that. We were there for three years. Cooper is loving the new kids program. He doesn't want us to pick him up as he wants to keep singing and reading. He has been grabbing his bible more and trying to read it. I love when he reads it out loud or sits and reads it to his sister. Aurora is in LOVE with Daddy and Cooper. She is totally a daddy's girl. Cooper and Aurora play nicely most times. More often then not though I find myself saying, "leave your sister alone!" Aurora has been doing pageants lately as well. Been winning second place each time. We are doing natural pageants, no makeup or glitz type dresses, think Toddlers and Tiara's, complete opposite. I have been having a rough time the past couple days. Feeling like I have been stretched thin. I am hating my body and been tired. Been trying out a new gym. But can't afford to go right now. So that 5 pounds that I lost is going to come flying back on. Which I think it already has. Feels good to vent. I need to blog more often. Just about everything. I also did a photo shoot this past weekend of a cute pregnant mommy and daddy. so sweet. Will be posting those pics as soon as I can.

Mario and sock monkey on Halloween

Rory from one of her pageants.