Friday, April 14, 2006

Countdown complete

So...the countdown is now complete. My little man is due today. Having a tough time sleeping. There seems to be signs that yes he may be coming but then I have my hopes shattered a little. I am impatient, yes, and there are 21 hours left in the day. Rarely are first time moms right on time. Rarely are any moms right on time.
I have been emotional and physically exhausted. I understand that this baby will come with God's timing. Not mine. Not Phil's. God's. I just pray that it is soon. I can't believe the overwhelming power of just wanting the baby safe in my arms. I want to look down into the little face of this gift God has given us. I want to see his little eyes, nose, toes, fingers, you name it. Sometimes I will catch myself being all hormonal and just staring off into space with a smile on my face while this little guy rolls within me. With a hand on my belly I imagine what he will look like. How long he will be. Will he have his father's eyes? Lots of hair? His mom's nose? I just can't wait to see and touch the gift from God that I have been so graciously blessed with.
So, the countdown complete and I wait. Waiting for His timing. Waiting for His gift. Kinda like Christmas morning.
This week as I think about the Savior that died for us I think about how blessed I am, we are, to be so forgiven. To be so chosen. To live with love and within His mercy because Jesus gave His life for ours. I think of how cool it will be to bring a child into this world with the thoughts of the One special child that God brought into this world to die for our sins. How Jesus never stepped away from that responsibility. That He was faithful to our Father.
Thank you Lord for this gift. I wait with anticipation to "open" it. With a little bit of fear as well, well sometimes a lot, but I know that if He can trust me to do this then I need to have the faith in myself as well.


Mann Sahib said...

Wishing you a lovely child and wishing you and your family a beautiful future. I shall pray for you today.

so i go said...

praying for you.. who knows, maybe an Easter surprise?

hang in there. get all the rest you can :-)

Erin said...

thanks for continuing to post... I keep peeking to see what's going on :)

Erin said...

you know how to get the water works going. Its going to be such a great Easter for you. I hope you won't be at church.....too busy delivering other things :)

Radlife said...

across the country we wait on the edge of our seats.
God Bless