Wednesday, November 01, 2006


*warning* Not for the queesy. with a baby...
In Cooper's defense it was my own fault. I was playing with him, up in the air and tickling him. He just ate. Silly Mommy! So up in the air he goes and out comes the milk! I had just taken my glasses off so that he wouldn't be pulling at them. And where did the vomit go? RIGHT INTO MY RIGHT EYE!! In my hair, down my back and arm too. So in the exersaucer he went. In front of the bathroom door and into the shower I went!
You know those videos where you see the baby throw up on the adult? I used to laugh. NOT ANYMORE!! EWWWWWWW!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Finally! You have not been fully initiated into the joys of parenthood until your child has peed, pooped and puked on you. Welcome to the club, your membership fees have been paid in full. Warning: some requirements yet to come.

Anonymous said...


And Sue that was well said and very true!! hehehe

Miss-buggy said...

haha Lori, true true. BUT....the snot doesn't smell that bad. And it never went IN my mouth. I bet I make no sense. It really caught me off guard more then anything