Saturday, January 24, 2009


and I have NOT lost Hope, or Faith.

I am realizing that in my heart and in my spirit I really haven't given up on Hope or Faith. If I had I wouldn't keep reaching back out to God. The bible does teach us to lean on God, to give our problems to Him, that his Mercies are new every morning.

"we all stumble in many ways." James 3:2

It doesn't say that we shouldn't stumble or we won't stumble but we ALL stumble. Every last one of us. I think Satan wants me to think that I have no hope left. That I can't FEEL God. The thing is that it doesn't matter if I can't physically FEEL Him, I know He is there. How do I know? Through Faith.

How do you know air is there? Faith. How do you know atoms exist? Faith. I don't physically see God standing beside me but I know He is there through Faith. I don't need more then that. I certainatly don't need Satan telling me I have no hope left or no faith left. I won't let the world engulf me. I can't do this on my own. I can choose to follow Him. I choose to be happy in Him. Now to make sure I actually follow through with it.

I have not given up. I have Christ Jesus in me. So I stand prepared for battle knowing I will win with Christ. He is always with me. He will not leave me. He will come close as I come closer to Him. "Come near to God and he will come near to you." James 4:8

I will choose to have freedom in Christ. I will keep going and I won't believe the world's lies. I won't believe Satan's lies. I won't believe lies in my own mind. I am not alone and I am so grateful for that...

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