Thursday, November 08, 2007

You gotta be kidding me!!

So this morning going in to get Cooper......
I hear cough cough....and he has a runny nose. Not much of a temp. But he is sweating. Green snotty nose (TMI, I know). Can't this poor kid get a break. He is sick much too much. It is starting to bug ME!!! Breast fed babies get sick less my butt!! He was breast fed for 15 months. I think it more has to do with genes. Hopefully this is all building his immune system to be strong like his dads. sigh......


Michelle said...

Poor kid.

The first couple years they get a lot. It's because they have no immune system, they are starting from scratch. The more they fight the better their immune system gets. And it's good for them, my mom says she can always tell the kids that come from "sterilized" homes and haven't been exposed to much. When they get to school they are always sick, they catch EVERYTHING. She says it's good for them to get it over with. Which a do agree with. But it sucks in the meantime! Hope he feels better soon!

Nikkaru said...

It isn't good to have this completely germ free place, because then they wont have any build up against them.
Although something else you may want to consider is chiropractic. Children often experience misalignments right from coming through the birth canal. So therefore, being in alignment allows your body to naturally fight the disease, and therefore when he is sick or exposed to germs, his own body is better able to fight it. Earaches are often a big one. The youngest age of a baby being treated that I heard of was 3 days old.