Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Bloody Frustrated

I am so frustrated yet again!!
I had my MRI for my shoulder and then I went to see the orthopedic surgeon today. Once again I was told that the tests came back showing nothing wrong. I was pretty upset.
I can't lift my niece it hurts too bad. Can't sleep on that side and I am finding it hard to drive. The numbness and the pain are so annoying and often intolerable. But nothing is wrong!

I prayed to God that they figure out what is wrong. I guess it is just a matter of this not being the answer I wanted to hear, once again. It is excellent that I don't need surgery but at the same time it would have been nice to figure out what was wrong so that it can be fixed. I guess I was just looking for a quick fix. Things don't work out that way sometimes.

So I started to worry. More physio. More money. More pain. I am starting to feel totally drained of all of it. I was worrying about the money part of course. My main concern is that I don't touch my Costa Rica money. I have enough to go and I want to go so bad that it hurts. I feel God pulling me that way. Knowing that He is, I just need to have the faith that it will all work out. It is meant to be. It will happen.

So, trying to take in the daily strides that I have to endure. We are going to go hard at the physio. It is in God's hands. On the plus side I don't have to miss work for surgery and I won't have to do surgery. God knows what is going on, I have to have the faith in Him.

Just so emotional because I am tired of it all. Tired of all the tests. Tired of being told that nothing is wrong. Just tired of everything. I just wish that it can all be back to normal and that I won't hurt when doing things. It will take time but it was time that I started to get frustrated with waiting for. Oh well, the waiting continues.

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