Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm Done

So feel done. But am enjoying the last little bit of the pregnancy.
This morning went for a nice walk around mill lake with my husband. I can tell you that it took WAY longer then usual. Had to take it slow. Baby is creating some good pressure. Toes go tingly. Kinda amusing if I think about it actually. So I made it around the lake, while taking a few short cuts here and there and one rest. I think I am going to listen to my body and go to bed. That is what it is telling me.
I can't believe there are only 32 days left. I am not sure I am ready to say that number cause it feels so close. I just can't wait to hold our LB in my arms. Sigh.....
Oh, by the way... Posted some more pictures on my flickr site. Auntie Chel was making hand prints. Check out the lump in one of the shots. I think it might be a body part. A arm maybe. Who knows.....


Michelle said...

I'm going to share with you a sad sad truth. It doesn't matter if your done, LB could hardly care less. It's all about when he's done!! Hehe, I've heard stories about what people have done to try to make the baby less comfortable in there, it gets pretty funny. Anybody out there have a trampoline???Hehehehe!!

so i go said...

great pics..
get some rest.
enjoy your last month :-)

Miss-buggy said...

Ha ha ha Michelle. I know. He might just like it in there!
Oh and don't get me started! We know who has a trampoline! Thing is that I would probably hurt myself more then anything, knowing my luck. hehehe