Monday, March 20, 2006

So...Should I be washing the crib bedding?

I have been having contractions. I thought they were just Braxton Hicks and yeah they may very well have been. Last night they got timeable and more painful. Consitently 4 minutes apart. Lasting 40 seconds each.
After fighting for a while I decided that I probably should listen and call L&D (labor and delivery). So I phoned and they had me come in. Nothing huge really. Not having slept for two days and feeling exhausted they monitored me. Yes there are things slowly happening.
They gave me a shot of demeral so that I can go to sleep. Then not only I can sleep but so can Phil. Baby was monitored and he was doing well. I was told that there is a possibility I could have woken up a few hours later in full labor, rather then the light pre-labor stuff. I actually slept though. I still feel sleepy. Yes I do have the contractions still and will keep an eye on it. I may sound paranoid and granted I believe I may be. But you can never know.
So, my question is...Should I be starting to wash the crib bedding? I am thinking so.


Internet Street Philosopher said...

Dang. Labor pains and crib bedding. Hope that baby comes soon.

Michelle said...

I'm so glad you got some sleep. If this baby is coming you will need it!!

Sue said...

I have been praying through the night for you. Why not, I was awake anyway? You know I will wash the bedding if he comes. Hope you are getting some rest for now.

Radlife said...

Go ahead and wash the bedding, it's always good to be prepared.
Still praying for you and the health of your baby.
I am still praying for Phil too. I do hope all goes well with his job thingy.
I am sure God will bless you both.
In Christ