Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Police Chase in Mission

That is exactly what Sue and I saw on our way home from bible study tonight.

We both noticed a cop go flying past us one way then when we got near the lights we saw that there must have been an accident. There was a female cop out of her car stopping the traffic from continuing. You could see that she was totally pumped on adrenaline. We didn't know why. Then the next thing I knew I saw her talk into her walkie-talkie thing and then she was practically jumping up and down in spot. Watched her grab something from the car. Next thing I know she threw down a spike strip!! Up from behind us comes this pickup truck flying at like twice the speed limit. He went over the spikes. There was another cop right behind him, chasing him. So instead of turning we decided to go straight, the way the truck and the cop went. Wondering if we would see anything. To no avail. The truck was going so fast that it was totally nuts!! They were long gone. I just hope that no one gets hurt during all this.
People say there is never anything interesting happening in Mission!!


Michelle said...

Nothing interesting except police chases, break-ins, vehicle theft.....Just kidding....I love it here!! LOL

shari said...

You want a town where nothing interesting ever happens.... You should come to where I live... Our crime rate is so low, it is barely measurable. The only time we hear police sirens is when they test them at the station. "Yup, still work"
Although, I wouldnt trade this quiet quaint existence for anything. Certainly not for returning to Mission. (No offense to those who love it there)

Miss-buggy said...

I would love to live in a place like that. I would love to live in a community. But I won't leave Canada. No offense.

shari said...

none taken.
It was total shock when I first moved here. I used to live in an apartment on one of the main streets of abbotsford. We heard sirens, cars racing, people fighting, drunks being obnoxious and such all the time. I couldnt sleep at all for the first while down here. Too quiet.

Miss-buggy said...

yep. That is where I live. I hear sirens all the time. Gun shots. My car being stolen. I always promised myself that I wouldn't buy in abbotsford. We rent. But sometimes I think that it may just be like this anywhere I go. I would like to move to Mission but my husband doesn't like the idea of commuting. Guess we're stuck here for some time then. God will lead us