Monday, May 29, 2006

The Joys of Motherhood

There are so many joys to being a mom.
This little boy has melted my heart time and time again. Once while putting him down for a nap he just decided he wasn't going to nap. So looking at him I see these alligator tears, tears are a rarity from him. I say, Oh Cooper, it's ok Mommy is here and he opens his big blue eyes and makes eye contact directly with me. He stops crying. The look in his eyes was one that told me, Oh I am ok. Mommy is here to save me. Aww...
There are so many moments where I just want to capture it all in a jar and lock it away. I capture it all in my heart.
Now...this may be gross but those of you with children will know what I am talking about. This is a "joy" in the different sense of the word. hehe.
Some kids go poop everyday. Not mine. Maybe once a day but usually once every two days. So...going on three days. I know it's coming. Now it can't be good saving it up for that long. So I am preparing for the worst. Usually he goes first thing in the morning. Nope, not last night. 3 in the morning, rather then 8 or 9 and I smell it. Wakes hubby up too. HAHA!!! There it is, what I was waiting for. I didn't want to turn on the bedroom light and wake him up fully so I turn on the light across the hall. So I am doing my thing and I look up towards his little face to see if he was still asleep and here he is looking at me with a BIG smile on his face. Hehe. Now that's my boy!! Either it was a smile that said, ha I got ya! or it was one that was saying, boy that feels better.
Hehe. The joys of being a mom. (I love my diaper Genie!)He is so worth it. I am just thankful I let myself wake up a bit more.
Then he got up at 8:40 this morning. I think I took the wind out of his sails. He was winding up and crying and I went in there all happy and saying "Morning Cooper." He stops and looks at me with a huh look on his face. I picked him up and he was still studying my happy voice then it hit him. He was all smiles and playing with me. Cooing and talking to me. Hehe. Took the wind out of those grumpy sails!
I really do love being a mom.

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