Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Dark Places we fight

We all have been there. In those dark places where we scream and yell to get out but feel like we just can't. Battling the darkness and believing the lies.
This is captured in an awesome imagery that gave me shivers. This gentleman has an awesome gift of writing and showing us the pictures that we are too afraid to draw out for ourselves. To unwilling to admit.
Within the darkness will come voices that are loud and cause us to listen to the lies. But somewhere in there a "Voice echoes out a battle cry that our hearts are good, and true...."
I hope I didn't copy too much of it but check out the entry. Like I said it gave me shivers and I understood and imagined the place that he was talked about. I understood the good voice too.
Check it out. I linked it above.

1 comment:

so i go said...

thanks for your sweet and encouraging words, and for linking from here as well.. i'm truly humbled!

have a super day..
