Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Son

As you can tell from my previous entry I was worried about whether or not I was hurting God or pushing Him away. I was worried that I would push Him so far that He wouldn't come back.
I now know that it is an insecurity of mine. I guess it always will be. In my moments when I feel like I just can't measure up and that I can't feel Him I doubt. I worry. I get scared.
I was told that I can never push Him away and that no matter what He will always be there. So I have leaned on that. I have believed that. I force myself to believe that I am ok and that I will be fine. That no matter what my insecurities are telling me, He is still there. That I am still strong in my faith and that I will still continue to grow.

On the way to work this morning I saw something that reminded me that the Son is always there. That God is always with us.
It was cloudy when I left not a hint of sky anywhere. As I pulled to the end of my street I saw it. A little patch of blue sky, ever so small, that let the sun peak through just enough to know that it was still there. Kinda like when God shows His face in those dark moments.
Made me think. That no matter what the day is the sun is always there. You can sore above the clouds and there it is. It can be super dark out but on the other side of the world it is their day. The sun will always come out. The Son will always be there. In our darkest moments as we rise above them there He is. Never faltering waiting for us to come above it. To help us to rise above it. No matter what He is there. The sun is there.
I needed the reminder and I thanked God for it. It is something I won't forget. In my darkest moments He is still there. Rising me up on the wings of eagles to come into His light. Into His grace. Into His beauty. To come to Him.
Thank you Lord that you are the ever shining light and that you are always there. No matter how dark and bleak the outlook may seem.


Sue said...

that's beautiful misty

Michelle said...

I love God's reminders, big and small and always when you need it most!!