Sunday, October 23, 2005

Time of Testing

"Often, even today, we seek Jesus for the wrong reasons. We unknowingly use Him. He is reduced to a resource in time of need."

Victory in the Wilderness p. 19

Ouch that hurt! But you know, unfortunately it is true.


lori said...

i think, being that Jesus is a friend, there really shouldn't be a 'wrong' reason to seek Him...I think He understands that we get messed up in what we think we need and ask for - but it would seem to me, who better could there be to bounce our thoughts off of, even if they are skewed?

Doesn't the bible say 'He is a very present help in time of need'?

I'm not sure that comment from the book is 'truth'. What do you all think?

Sue said...

I think it is very true. What does God tell us to seek first? Him, and then all these 'things' will be added to us.
I think that is what Misty is trying to say. Do we seek Him because of what He can give us or for who He is? Yes, we receive both(Him and His gifts) because He is such a caring father.
I think that you have opened up some deep thought Misty. That's awesome!

Erin said...

I cant stand it when people use me just to get to something else, and what sucks is that i use Jesus to do the very same thing. I was always kind of aware of it, but thanks for reminding me.

lori said...

well, frankly, i have found it rather impossible to 'use' Jesus. I've NEVER been able to manipulate Him into my messed up plans for anything...

even the tv evangalist phonies - they may 'appear' to be using Jesus - but in the end, will they really have? They'll face judgement - and many people will have still and hopefully accepted the gospel - even if it came from a phony.

I'd argue God uses men much more than men use God.

He's smarter than we can we even think we can use Him?