Thursday, February 08, 2007

Just a wee bit stressed

but am not panicking Too too bad .................. yet.............
This week Phil has worked a total of 8 hours. As of late this morning. He missed two days last week. The guy that runs the office at his work is flying out thursday. They are closing the shop on Friday and Saturday. No work Friday or Saturday cause we have a wedding to attend. (that I don't mind ;) )
As of the 15th Phil is no longer employed with his current boss. As of the 16th we still do not yet know if they have jobs. The new owners have not talked to the guys yet. So the 15th the guys are pulling their tools out of the shop. They will head in on the 16th hoping to be employed.
Yep.......I am a wee bit stressed. I can kind of see the problems just lingering in front of my face. I know God will take care of it and their is NOTHING I can do but I am still stressed a bit. Not letting it get to me too bad. That is why I am confused that I am thinking about it now. I just wish I knew what His plans were.
My maternity leave ends in April. So does my employment with Lordco.
think I need to go to bed............

1 comment:

so i go said...

praying for you right now. hang in there my friend :-)