Monday, May 02, 2005

Self Image

I have been thinking a lot lately about that exact thing. What is our self image? Do we see ourselves as beautiful like God? Do we see that we are perfect to Him? All the flaws that we see He does not. All the imperfections we worry about He thinks it makes us more beautiful.
I have found myself wondering why I have this poor self image? What happened in my life to make me feel this way?
All the clothes out there that are designed to fit the perfect little barbie figure. The image that you need to look a certain way in order to be accepted. In order to be loved. When in actual reality people love us for who we are. That is what makes each one of us so unique and special.
I see people who have suffered with self image so bad that it has ruined their lives. You see it all the time on TV, in the papers and in your daily life. It isn't just women either.
So what causes the thoughts that are embedded in these peoples heads? The ones that they are not pretty enough, skinny enough or smart enough?
I would like to figure that one out so that it can be stopped.
Yes I have a big problem with my self image. I know that God made me the way I am and that He loves me but why is it so hard to believe that? Why can't I just accept that? Why can't I accept a compliment when my husband tells me that I am beautiful? Instead I shrug it off and slyly say thanks. I know I shouldn't because it would hurt his feelings.
When I look at what God has given us in this world, the beauty of it all I think how beautiful and wonderful it is. I don't judge others and I love them for who they are but not myself. I tell my niece all the time how beautiful she is and how wonderful she is. I pray that she will know that as she grows up. It starts from a young age right? Sometimes I long to start over and listen to what God says about me. What He says about us.
It is so much easier to listen to the bad than it is to acknowledge or accept the good. The bad hurts more but for some reason it is so much easier to believe. You only need to hear it once for it to be on your mind and for you to think less of yourself. If you are able to shrug that all off then you are a WAY stronger person than I am and I would like to know your secret.
How do you shrug it off? How do you accept yourself for who Christ made you to be? He loves me and thinks that I am perfect in His eyes. So does my husband and friends. Why though is it so hard to accept?
I just pray that some day I won't care anymore and that I may be able to see myself as God sees me. That seems like a long way off though. I guess it is time to try to start ignoring the bad and turning it into the good.

1 comment:

Kaylyn said...

It is a behavior that we have grown up with. Something that we have to get rid of. Everyone is different, everyone has a something that someone else wants. God has made us each in his perfect creation. there is nothing that he would want us to change. He loves you just the way you are. I love you just the way you are!