Saturday, June 11, 2005

I don't know what to say

I feel lost for words today. Weird hey? But for some reason I want to sit here and write.
I can tell you about work.

A guy came in and bought a battery then like 20 minutes later he came in to return it. He said it was dead. I tested it and sure enough - nothing. Weird, a brand new battery. So I did his return and my boss actually got me to walk out to his van to make sure he was connecting it right. Man did the guy have a problem with that. He was arguing about the receipt with me and I kept telling him over and over that the piece of paper was his new warranty. He kept arguing. So finally I decided that this guy probably had a problem dealing with a female so I called my store manager over and when he came over all of a sudden the receipt was fine. Yeah - I bet.
So I went out to watch him connect the battery and it all went well. He told me that he needs the receipt for income tax purposes. I said you use this van for work? He said no but he is a trucker and he has to drive to his truck. I thought that was pretty interesting.
How many of us out there drive to work? Have to drive to work? So does that mean we can claim any purchases for our vehicle on our taxes? Man he found a way to screw the system.
I am getting so tired of the men that come into my work and think I don't know anything and will deliberately wait for my male co-workers to be finished and deal with them. Oh well, just brush it off. I love it when they yell at me too for something out of my control. I got pretty snark right back at this one guy because I was tired of him yelling at me and telling me how to do my job. I thought I would get in so much trouble but I didn't. My boss just rolled her eyes when the guy walked away. She must get it all the time too.

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