Sunday, June 26, 2005

The little girl

This weekend I was priveledged enough to meet God's grace and love face to face. I met it in a little girl named Nikki. She has a smile that can light up any room from a mile away with a past that will just rip your heart and break it into little pieces.
She is the most pefect image of love and blessings that I have ever seen. Although she has a troubled past she, with no hesitation, will give a complete stranger a hug. Her hug that she gave me was one that made me feel like she didn't want to let me go. So much power within the embrace of a child. A child that the world had ignored and brushed off, forgotten. A child that God sure didn't ignore, push away or forget. He still had plans for her even though her little world was one that was crashing down all around her. The strength of that precious little one is so amazing. I hope that I will never forget the powerful, loved filled embrace that she gave me.
I didn't know her and she didn't know me. I heard a bit of her story and it was enough to melt my heart and make me feel an incredible pull to meet this little angel. I went up to her and introduced myself. She gave me a shy timid smile. Kinda standing there playing her foot back and forth. I asked her if I could give her a hug. The response was incredible. While she was nodding she stepped forward and placed her arms around my shoulders. Imediately, with no hesitation she was willing to share her love with a comlete stranger.
Nikki is twelve years old and incredibly trusting. As we embraced I told her how I felt so blessed to meet her. I told her that she was a wonderful blessing from God. She whispered thanks. Made me realize how precious and amazing God is. How intrecate His pans are and how they will all fall into place when He is ready. Not when I think that it should happen or that ok, now I am ready.
The little girl that melted my heart. The little girl that radiated the love and peace of God. The little girl that made me feel like I was embracing a long lost friend. That I was embracing God.
I thank God that I got to meet her. She has made an impact on my life that she may never know and she may never fully understand. She is from Thailand. Almost exactly the other side of the world. God's miracles and angels are everwhere around this world and one time you may get to meet one face to face. I did.
I met an angel. I met God's perfect love and strength. The little girl that God never gave up on. The little girl that was blessed to have been interviened and shown the love she so badly needed. The little girl that is etched into my heart forever. The little girl that made me feel like I was shown a little piece of heaven.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Awwwwwwwwwww! Too sweet. What a blessing, huh? Thanx for sharing. I remember her from church last week, on stage with her mom. What a cutie-patootie. How cool that you got all of that out of meeting one precious little soul!

Plus her name is awesome.