Sunday, June 19, 2005

A work in progress

There is a country song with that line in it but for the life of me right now I can't remember the words. I do know though that in it the guy says that God tells him he is a work in progress.

That's what I feel like I am lately. A work in progress. God's work. Every day He works on something a little more and everyday He chips away more at His work. Everyday He is working on something in me. I am glad though that I am His work.
I noticed that when I tried so hard to hand something over to God I can physically feel myself fighting it. What is the use? Would He really take this from me? Is He really going to ease my mind? Just some of the questions of doubt that play in my head and stop me from realizing that God will answer my request when I ask.
The latest thing that He has been working on in me is my patience and my control issue. Lately it seems like so many things are out of my hands and there is really nothing I can do about it. I will find myself praying yet feel deep down that He is getting sick of hearing me. He is getting tired of me feeling so lost and confused. I am coming to understand that it isn't true. He wants me to reach for Him and to put all my trust in Him. It is so hard considering that so many times trust has been broken with others. Things that are totally out of my hands seem to be sitting right in front of me for the last while. Yet I can feel that God is whispering for me to trust Him. There is really nothing else that I can do except pray. It is my turn to be strong but I so can't do it without Him. This I have realized.
I still doubt and when I do I feel like I am turning around and slapping Him in the face saying, whatever you can't fix this. He is the only one that can. I can't do it on my own, no matter how hard I try. I am learning to hand things over to God. I am learning to trust Him. It is a good feeling. Yet I don't know if it is just me or Satan, but I fight and I doubt. The closer I get to God and wanting Him fully in my heart I know that Satan will try to fight for me. He's not going to win. I won't let him. God will.
So, I feel like I should be walking around with a big sign on my chest that says work in progress. I am God's work and I am enjoying the journey I am on to discovering Him more and more. I don't think I will ever be finished being worked on. I think that there will always be something that He is going to chisel away at. I am in my makers hands and the best designer that there is. So even though things are out of my control and sometimes all I can do is cry, I need to trust that God has His plans and He is working them out in me. He is helping me to become who I am in Him and a better person all around.
Thank God that He doesn't throw down his tools and give up, but He keeps plugging at it. It is a long road and I am His work in progress.


Erin said...

All I can say is, all people have some kind of control issue, so your not alone there. When praying; maybe instead of lets say, wishing or asking for better patience, thank Him for the patience he has already blessed you with and hope that it continues to grow.

Michelle said...

I think we are all a work in progress, and I would definatly wear that on a t-shirt!!

Miss-buggy said...

Erin, thanks that is wise.
Chel, Me too!! Lets get some made!! Hey, maybe raise the money and give all the proceeds to the church.
Front: Work in Progress
Back: Designed by God